Web Components 101: Framework Comparison
December 2, 2021•1,946 words
While web components can be used standalone, they're paired best with a framework. With that in mind, which is the best and why?
Docs, Where Can We Do Better?
November 13, 2021•1,010 words
My personal approach to writing docs, mainly aimed at frameworks and the like.
Web Components 101: Lit Framework
November 4, 2021•2,541 words
Google pushed for web components, sure, but they didn't stop there. They also went on to make an amazing framework to help build them: Lit!
GitHub Copilot Breaks Bad Interviews
July 22, 2021•1,739 words
GitHub Copilot is a huge step forward for tech. Luckily, it improves our lives. Unfortunately, it will break your interviews. Here's why.
Web Components 101: Vanilla JS
July 15, 2021•3,723 words
One of the ways web components differs from a framework is that it works right in the browser. Here's how to build them from scratch.
Introduction to Web Accessibility (A11Y)
May 30, 2021•4,132 words
Accessibility allows as many people to use your product as possible. That, in turn, generates more profit. Here's how to improve it on web.