Join us!

As a non-profit, Playful Programming embraces the best part of Open Source: We’re run by real people wanting to make an impact in the world and help others learn.

Why contribute?

Welcome to everyone

From coding novices to seasoned engineers - we’d love to have you join us on our mission.

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Publish content

Write articles tackling computer science topics and help others learn from your insights. Reposting content is welcomed & encouraged!

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Improve the site

Help us develop and improve the website for everyone. Design new sections, help fix bugs, and anything in-between. Mentoring provided.

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Support us

Playful Programming is completely community-driven, and all maintenance and upkeep costs are spent out-of-pocket. All contributions go towards the project’s goals, and are disclosed publicly.


We are currently sponsored by the following organizations:

Our partners

Playful Programming Partners reflect the very best our community has to offer; experienced, knowledgeable, and compassionate members that are the lifeblood of our project.
