Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
December 16, 2019•1,555 words
Introduction to the underlying concepts of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and how they work together.
Understanding The DOM: How Browsers Show Content On-Screen
November 26, 2019•4,506 words
Learn how the browser internally handles HTML and CSS to show the user webpages on-screen
How Binary and Hexadecimal Work: An introduction to non-decimal number systems
November 7, 2019•2,729 words
Learn how to convert decimal to binary and hexadecimal, how CSS colors are calculated, and how your computer interprets letters into binary.
Hard grids & baselines: How I achieved 1:1 fidelity on Android
October 7, 2019•2,726 words
Testing the limits of `firstBaselineToTopHeight` and `lastBaselineToBottomHeight` to deliver a perfect result.
TypeScript Intermediates - Type Generics
September 26, 2019•2,284 words
An introduction to the type generic functionality in TypeScript
Introduction to Android: Contexts, Intents, and the Activity lifecycle
August 22, 2019•1,809 words
A basic overview of the main components of an Android app and how they interact with each other and the Android system