The Complete Guide to Regular Expressions (Regex)
April 17, 2022•3,440 words
A Regular Expression – or regex for short – is a syntax that allows you to match strings with specific patterns. Think of it as a suped-up text search
Rules of React's useEffect
February 22, 2022•2,437 words
useEffect is prolific in React apps. Here are four rules associated with the hook and in-depth explanations of why they're important.
Doomsday Rule
February 10, 2022•4,442 words
In this blog I talk about the Doomsday Rule, how it works, how to put it into code then how to make a program that tests you.
A Better Way To Code: Documentation Driven Development
January 18, 2022•1,622 words
Test Driven Development is often taught to improve a your workflow; I present Documentation Driven Development as an alternative approach.
How to get started with .NET
January 18, 2022•1,052 words
Did you know that 35% of developers are using .NET? This is a great article to read to get started with .NET.
How to Upgrade to React 18
January 7, 2022•418 words
React 18 introduces some awesome features that I'm sure you can't wait to try! Here's how you can get started with React 18 today!