Async pipe is not pure 🤯
January 18, 2023•1,379 words
Learn how angular's async pipe is not pure and how that's not a problem, by building async pipe from scratch.
What Happened to UUIDv2?
January 15, 2023•1,970 words
You may have heard that "UUIDv2 is bad". Maybe you've never even heard of them and thought UUIDs went from v1 to v3. Why is that? What did UUIDv2 do wrong?
What are UUIDs?
January 14, 2023•2,105 words
When discussing ID generation in software, you may have heard of a UUID. What are they? Are they useful? What are the different versions? Let's explore that.
Fun with Types
January 5, 2023•1,823 words
Making hilarious things with no emitted code.
Angular Internals: How Reactivity Works with Zone.js
January 2, 2023•4,305 words
Reactivity is core to JavaScript frameworks; changing data should cause a re-render. How does this work in Angular? Let's dive into the Angular source code to see.
Why is z-index not working?! - Explaining CSS Stacking Context
October 6, 2022•3,510 words
z-index is a CSS property that helps control the z-axis height of an element, but it often doesn't seem to work. Why is that? How does it REALLY work?