What is Object Mutation in JavaScript?
March 25, 2023•2,662 words
When working with objects, you may hear the term "mutation". What is that? How does it work? How do let and const REALLY differ from each other? This and more:
Mastering JavaScript's `this` keyword using `bind`
March 16, 2023•1,774 words
JavaScript's `this` keyword is imperative when dealing with classes in JavaScript, but can introduce some headaches. Let's solve that using the `bind` method
Deep Dive: Writing a Twitch Chat Bot in Bash
March 5, 2023•1,062 words
bash? You mean the terminal where I do my git commands?
Formik Works Great; Here's Why I Wrote My Own
February 18, 2023•3,562 words
Formik works incredibly, but I have some concerns with it. As a result, I ended up writing my own library called "HouseForm" to compete. Here's why.
Creating project templates for Android Studio
February 5, 2023•1,686 words
Showing how we can build a Android Studio plugin to provide our own project templates in the Android Studio new project wizard
Async pipe is not pure 🤯
January 18, 2023•1,379 words
Learn how angular's async pipe is not pure and how that's not a problem, by building async pipe from scratch.