Minecraft Data Pack Programming: Command Syntax

June 15, 2022

Last updated: September 27, 2023

2,972 words

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Please note: this guide specifically covers the Java Edition version of Minecraft. Bedrock Edition does not use data packs, but provides customization through add-ons.

The data packs built in this series can be found in the playfulprogramming/mc-datapacks-tutorial repository. Feel free to use it for reference as you read through these articles!

A note on tooling

At this point, we're starting to write more complex behavior in our data packs, and it might be useful to have some tools to check that our commands are valid while we're writing them.

I use the Visual Studio Code editor with the language-mcfunction extension by Arcensoth, which provides syntax highlighting and autocompletion for my commands directly in the text editor. However, there are many similar extensions with different features, and other text editors likely have their own plugins for providing this behavior as well.

Conditional logic with the "/execute" command

In the previous post, we ended on an interesting question — how do we write a command that only executes if the player is standing on a particular block?

Well, Minecraft actually has a specific command for checking preconditions and other attributes of a command before running it - the /execute command!

This command can be used with an indefinite number of arguments, which might make it confusing to understand by reading its documentation — but this effectively means that you can add any number of preconditions to this command.

For example:

execute if block ~ ~ ~ air run say "You're standing in air!"

This uses two subcommands of the execute command: if block ~ ~ ~ air checks if the block identifier at the player's location is minecraft:air, and run say "You're standing in air!" will invoke the say command if the previous conditions have passed.

Try running this command in Minecraft! As long as you're standing in an air block, you should see its message appear in the chat. If you stand underwater or in any block that isn't air (such as bushes/foliage), it should stop executing.

Standing in airStanding in water
A Minecraft player standing on land, in a highlighted block of airA Minecraft player standing in a pond, in a highlighted block of water

If we want to negate this condition, we can replace the if subcommand with unless — this will print its message as long as the player isn't standing in air.

execute unless block ~ ~ ~ air run say "You aren't standing in air!"

You could also change the block identifier to look for a different type of block. For example, if block ~ ~ ~ water would make sure that the player is standing in water.

Position syntax

So what do the tildes (~ ~ ~) mean in the previous command? This is referring to the current position (in the X, Y, and Z axes) of the player that is executing the command. There are a few different ways to write positions like these in Minecraft, which I'll explain here:

  • Absolute coordinates
    Coordinates can be written as a fixed position in the world - say, 32 60 -94 (these coordinates can be obtained by opening the F3 debug screen and finding the "Targeted block" position.
  • Current coordinates (tilde notation)
    Using the tilde symbols (~ ~ ~) will reference the current position that the command is executed at. This can also be mixed with static values, such as 32 ~ -94, which will reference the block at (x: 32, z: -94) using the player's current y-axis.
  • Relative coordinates
    These positions can also be offset by a certain number of blocks in any direction by adding a number after the tilde. For example, ~2 ~-4 ~3 will move 2 blocks horizontally from the player's x-axis, 4 blocks down in the y-axis, and 3 blocks horizontally in the z-axis.
  • Directional coordinates (caret notation)
    Similar to relative coordinates, directional coordinates (^ ^ ^) will start from wherever the command is executed from. However, any offsets will be applied relative to wherever the current player or entity is looking. For example, ^2 ^-4 ^3 will move 2 blocks to the left of the player, 4 blocks downward, and 3 blocks in front of the direction the player faces.

To experiment with the position syntax and see where certain positions end up in the world, we can add coordinates to the /summon command to spawn entities at a specific location. /summon pig ~ ~ ~ would use the current position of the player (its default behavior), while /summon pig ~ ~-4 ~ would probably spawn the pig underground. If you spawn too many pigs, you can use /kill @e[type=pig] to remove them.

An important note when using these positions: for players (and most other entities), any positions will actually start at the player's feet. If we want to start at the player's head, we can use the anchored eyes subcommand to correct this — using directional coordinates, /execute anchored eyes run summon pig ^ ^ ^4 should summon a pig 4 blocks forward in the exact center of wherever the player is looking.

Positions in an "/execute" subcommand

In the following sections, it might help to keep in mind that every command has a specific context that it executes in. This context consists of a position in the world and a selected entity that runs the command. When you type a command in Minecraft's text chat, the position is your current location in the world, and the selected entity is your player.

This context affects what blocks, locations, and entities certain commands and syntax will be referring to. The /execute command can change this context for any commands that it runs, which is what you'll see in the following example...

The /execute command also has a subcommand that can change its location in the world: positioned ~ ~ ~. Using this, we can rewrite our previous command:

execute anchored eyes run summon pig ^ ^ ^4execute anchored eyes positioned ^ ^ ^4 run summon pig ~ ~ ~

These two commands do the same thing! When we use positioned ^ ^ ^4, we're moving the location of our command to those coordinates. Our summon pig command then uses its current position at ~ ~ ~, which is in the location we've moved it to.

Using "/execute" with functions

If you recall the function we created in the previous chapter, we ended up making a single command (/function fennifith:animals/spawn) that spawns a bunch of animals at once.

If we use /execute to set the position of this function before it runs, this will also affect the location of every command in that function.

execute anchored eyes positioned ^ ^ ^4 run function fennifith:animals/spawn

Since our spawn function summons all of the animals at its current coordinates, we can use the /execute command to change that position! This command should now spawn all the animals in front of the player, rather than directly on top of them.

Coordinate grid alignment

In order to align a position with the edge of a block, we can use another subcommand: /execute align xyz. This will align the command's position on the X, Y, and Z axes. You can also omit any axes that don't need alignment, so align x or align xz would also work as expected.

We can use this to ensure that a summoned entity is always spawned in alignment with the block grid, and not partway in-between block coordinates:

execute align xz run summon pig ~ ~ ~

However, an important thing to note about Minecraft's coordinate system is that whole numbers do not refer to the center of a block. Instead, they are aligned with the bottom corner in the negative direction of each axis.

This means that, if you summon an entity at 0 ~ 0, it will actually end up on the corner of the block at (0, 0). To fix this, you'll need to correct for the offset by moving it 0.5 on each axis; i.e. 0.5 ~ 0.5.

A block grid showing the coordinate at 0,0 and the coordinate at 0.5,0.5

Thus, to summon an entity in the center of a block, we can use this command:

execute align xz run summon pig ~0.5 ~ ~0.5

Entity selectors

So we've figured out how to use the position of the player, but how can we refer to other entities in the world? If you've paid attention to the /kill @e[type=pig] command from earlier, this is actually using an entity selector to reference all of the pigs in the world. We're using the @e variable (all entities in the world), and filtering it by type=pig to only select the entities that are pigs.

Here's a list of some other selector variables we can use:

  • @p targets only the nearest player to the command's execution
  • @a targets every player in the world (useful for multiplayer servers / realms)
  • @e targets every player, animal, and entity in the world
  • @s targets only the entity that executed the command

And here are some of the ways that we can apply the filter attributes:

  • [type=player] selects the entity type (pig, cow, item_frame, etc.)
  • [gamemode=survival] can select players in a specific game mode (creative, spectator, etc.)
  • [limit=1] will restrict the total number of entities that can be picked by the selector
  • [sort=nearest] will affect the order of entities selected (furthest, random, arbitrary)

Using these selectors, we can use @e[type=pig,sort=nearest,limit=3] to reference the three nearest pigs to player that executes the command.

What if we use /kill @a[type=pig]? This won't select anything — because @a only selects player entities. Similarly, @s[type=pig] won't select anything either, because @s refers to the entity that runs the command — which is you, an entity of type=player.

Entities in an "/execute" subcommand

Just like how /execute positioned <x> <y> <z> can be used to set the position of the command it runs, the /execute as <entity> subcommand can be used to set the entity that runs the command. This will effectively change the entity that @s refers to in anything it executes. Let's use this with our /kill @e[type=pig] command!

kill @e[type=pig]execute as @e[type=pig] run kill @s

An important note about how this feature works is that, after the as @a[type=pig] subcommand, it will actually run any following subcommands once for every entity it selects. This means that it is individually running kill @s once for every entity of type=pig.

Entity positions in an "/execute" subcommand

So, we could use this with our if block ~ ~ ~ air command from earlier to select only the pig entities that are standing in a block of air... but that might not work quite as we expect.

execute as @e[type=pig] if block ~ ~ ~ air run kill @s

You'll notice that this is actually affecting all pigs in the world... unless you stand underwater or in a block of foliage, in which case it won't do anything. This is because, while the as <entity> command changes the executing entity, it doesn't affect the position of the command's execution — it's still running at your location.

While we can use relative positions with the positioned ~ ~ ~ subcommand, you'll notice that there isn't any way to refer to a selected entity in this syntax... that's why we'll need to use the at <entity> subcommand instead!

execute as @e[type=pig] at @s if block ~ ~ ~ air run kill @s

This command first selects all @e[type=pig] entities, then - for each pig - changes the position of the command to the position of @s (the selected entity). As a result, the position at ~ ~ ~ now refers to the position of @s.

This can also be used with functions, same as before! However, I'm going to add a limit=5 onto our entity selector here — otherwise it might spawn an increasing number of entities each time it runs, which could cause lag in your game if executed repeatedly.

execute as @e[type=pig,limit=5] at @s run function fennifith:animals/spawn

Filtering entities by position

In addition to the filter attributes we discussed earlier, the [distance=<range>] and [x=<number>,dx=<number>] attributes can be used to select entities based on their location in the world.

Here are a few examples of this in use:

Radius selection

With the [distance=<range>] attribute, entities will be selected if they are within a specific radius of a position. However, for this to work as expected, the value needs to be a range, not a number. For example, [distance=6] will only select entities at a distance of exactly 6 blocks away.

Ranges can be specified by placing two dots (..) as the range between two numbers. If either side is left out, the range is interpreted as open, and will accept any number in that direction. By itself, .. is a range that includes all numbers, 5.. will accept any number above 5, ..5 accepts any number below 5, and 1..5 accepts any number between 1 and 5.

A circle showing the selected area within a radius of 5 blocksA circle showing the selected area beyond a radius of 5 blocksA circle showing the selected area between a radius of 2 and 5 blocks

Area selection

The [x=], [y=], and [z=] attributes will filter entities by their exact position. However, since entities can move to positions in-between blocks, their coordinates usually aren't in whole numbers — so it is unlikely that these filters by themselves will select any entities.

However, these attributes can be paired with [dx=], [dy=], and [dz=] to select a range of values on the X, Y, and Z axes. For example, [y=10,dy=20] will filter any entity with a position between Y=10 and Y=30.

Using all of these attributes togther can create a box area to search for entities within. For example, @e[x=1,y=2,z=3,dx=10,dy=20,dz=30] is effectively creating a box that is 10 blocks wide, 20 blocks high, 30 blocks deep, starting at the position (1, 2, 3).

A point showing the selected position at 5, 1An area showing the selected range on the X axis from 5 to 15A box showing the selected area from 5, 1 to 15, 6

Challenge: Using "/execute" in our tick.mcfunction

In the previous post, we got our data pack to print a message on every game tick. Let's try to change that — see if you can write a command that will check the block below the player to see if it is air. If the block underneath the player is air, they are probably falling, so let's print "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" in the text chat.

Need a hint?

There is some potential for confusion here, as the tick event doesn't actually run with any particular entity or position in the Minecraft world — by default, the location of ~ ~ ~ will be at (0, 0, 0), and @s will not refer to any entity.

You'll need to use a different selector to find the player and get their position before using the if block condition.


This command should select the player, get their position, and execute say aaaaaaaaaaaaa for every tick when the player is falling down or jumping in the air.

#       at each player position...#       |     if the block below is air...#       |     |                        print "aaaaa" in the chat!execute at @a if block ~ ~-1 ~ air run say "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

There are a few other approaches that could be used here — if you used as @a at @s, you'll notice that say actually prints your username before its message. This is because you've changed the selected entity to you, the player; so you're sending the message as yourself.

If you try to flip the order of those two subcommands, at @a as @s won't actually select the right entity. You'll need to use at @a as @p to get the nearest player to the position of the selected player — which is a bit redundant when as @a could simply select the player entities to begin with.

Note: If you use the as and at subcommands together, be aware that both will run any consecutive subcommands for every entity they select. So as @a at @a, on a multiplayer server, will first select every player entity, then (for every player entity) will run at the position of every player entity. If n = the number of players, this will result in the command running n*n times in total.

You can try this with @e[type=pig] to see how many times it prints:

# This command will print far more messages than the number of pigs in your world.execute as @e[type=pig] at @e[type=pig] run say hi


So far, we've started using conditional logic and covered most of the syntax you'll see in Minecraft commands.

Between articles, feel free to experiment with other commands, such as /setblock or /playsound. Most of these won't be directly mentioned in the rest of this series, so it'll be useful to read through this list to figure out what each command can do.

In the next post, we'll cover an entirely different feature of Minecraft: player scoreboards! These will allow us to keep count of different variables, detect certain in-game actions, and store a player-specific or global state in our data packs.

Previous articleIntroduction
Next article Scoreboard Usage

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