Angular Route Guards For Authorization In A Web And Mobile Application
July 13, 2018•1,818 words
Learn how to use Angular route guards for authenticating & authorizing access to certain child and parent routes.
Performance of flat maps
August 7, 2017•1,967 words
A flat map is a data structure that maps a key to a value, and that stores the data in a compact flat memory structure to get better cache hit rate...
constexpr quicksort in C++17
June 3, 2017•717 words
So I've written about compile time quick sort twice before ( 2011 and 2015 ,) but now when C++17 support is becoming available, I thought I'd try i...
Generate lambdas for clarity and performance
January 7, 2017•1,197 words
Higher order functions , functions that operate on other functions or returns functions, are familiar to those who have had some experience with fu...
Serializing structs with C++17 structured bindings
December 29, 2016•3,519 words
Serializing data in C++ is a surprisingly difficult problem. There are many libraries for it with varying degrees of finesse, power and ease of use...
strings as types with c++17 constexpr lambdas
August 25, 2016•633 words
Recently I stumbled upon a question by @arne_mertz of Simplify C++ fame (if you don't read that blog, start now!) about using string literals as ty...