What are Signals?

November 1, 2024

2,638 words

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Signals are seemingly everywhere today. Among others, there's some flavor of signals in:

There's even efforts to bring signals into JavaScript itself.

Given this explosion of popularity, many are left wondering:

What even are signals?!

It's a good question! Let's explore signals, how they operate under-the-hood, and how we can use them in our libraries today.

Signals Basics

In their most basic form, signals are a method of having some state and a way of subscribing to that state.

// This is psuedo code. This API is possible, but not// representative of any of the tools we're looking at today.const counter = signal(0);// This will re-run whenever `counter` updatescounter.subscribe(() => {	console.log(counter.get());});// We can call it oncecounter.set(1);// Or any number of timessetInterval(() => {	counter.set(count.get() + 1);}, 1000);

There's a few ways to implement this, but here's a basic implementation of the API above:

function signal(initialValue) {	let value = initialValue;	const subscribers = new Set();	return {		get: () => value,		set: (newValue) => {			value = newValue;			subscribers.forEach((fn) => fn());		},		subscribe: (listener) => {			subscribers.add(listener);			return () => subscribers.delete(listener);		},	};}

You can see another basic variant of a signals implementation in a 5 minute lightning talk I gave at ngConf 2024.

The signal stores values and sends updates to listeners. Then a setter can update the store using some API and the listeners recieves notifications of signal state changes

Here, we can see how a signal has:

  • An initial value
  • A getter to retrieve the value
  • A setter to update the value and notify subscribers
  • A way to subscribe to the signal

This is incredibly useful for being able to run one bit of code when your state changes, like binding the text value of a DOM node to some JavaScript state:

<button id="clicker">0</button><script>	const clickerBtn = document.getElementById("clicker");	const countSignal = signal(0);	countSignal.subscribe(() => {		clickerBtn.innerText = countSignal.get();	});	clickerBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {		countSignal.set(countSignal.get() + 1);	});	// ...</script>

Here, we can see how a signal acts as a primitive for recreating JavaScript Reactivity to sync state between the DOM and JS.

Computed Properties

It's a regular occurance to derive state from other pieces of state in software engineering.

Take a sum function for example:

function sum(a, b) {	return a + b;}const num1 = 12;const num2 = 24;const output = sum(a, b);

Having the ability to have output auto-calculated when num1 or num2 changed would be a gamechanger for derived state.

Luckily for us, we can build a basic API for derived state relatively trivially based on our signals implementation:

function computed(fn, signals) {	let value = fn();	for (let signal of signals) {		signal.subscribe(() => {			value = fn();		});	}	return {		get: () => value,	};}

Now we can derive signals in a nicer way using computed:

const num1 = signal(1);const num2 = signal(2);const output = computed(() => num1.get() + num2.get(), [num1, num2]);console.log(output.get()); // 3num1.set(3);console.log(output.get()); // 5

We can even add in the ability to subscribe to the state updates of computed, much like a signal:

function computed(fn, signals) {	let value = fn();	const subscribers = new Set();	for (let signal of signals) {		signal.subscribe(() => {			value = fn();			subscribers.forEach((sub) => sub());		});	}	return {		get: () => value,		subscribe: (listener) => {			subscribers.add(listener);			return () => subscribers.delete(listener);		},	};}
const num1 = signal(1);const num2 = signal(2);const output = computed(() => num1.get() + num2.get(), [num1, num2]);output.subscribe(() => {	console.log(output.get());});num1.set(3); // Logs "5"

This computed method is is much like a signal but instead of having its own writable state, creates state by reading from the base signals:

Signals and computed can both be subscribed to, but only signals can be written to

With this API we can apply to our document once more for a basic adder:

<label>	<div>Number 1:</div>	<input id="num1" type="number" value="0" /></label><label>	<div>Number 2:</div>	<input id="num2" type="number" value="0" /></label><p>The sum of these numbers is: <span id="output">0</span></p><script>	const num1 = document.getElementById("num1");	const num2 = document.getElementById("num2");	const output = document.getElementById("output");	const num1Signal = signal(0);	const num2Signal = signal(0);	const outputSignal = computed(		() => num1Signal.get() + num2Signal.get(),		[num1Signal, num2Signal],	);	num1.addEventListener("input", (e) => {		num1Signal.set(e.target.valueAsNumber);	});	num2.addEventListener("input", (e) => {		num2Signal.set(e.target.valueAsNumber);	});	outputSignal.subscribe(() => {		output.innerText = outputSignal.get();	});	// ...</script>

Computed with a Signal internally

But wait! Aren't we already keeping track of state and a list of subscribers inside of signal? Can't we reuse that in computed?

We can indeed, astute reader! Let's simplify our usage of computed to have a signal as our primitive data storage:

function computed(fn, signals) {	const valueSignal = signal(fn());	for (let signal of signals) {		signal.subscribe(() => {			valueSignal.set(fn());		});	}	return {		get: valueSignal.get,		subscribe: valueSignal.subscribe,	};}

In fact, this idea that a computed signal is just a normal signal but in read-only mode is one which is critical to understanding much of the underlying optimizations for many signals implementations.


To track a signal or computed value, you can use the subscribe method. But if we look at the other APIs, they're functions, not methods.

To keep our APIs consistent (and to add features later-on), let's create a way to subscribe to signals without using subscribe itself.

To do this, we can just wrap subscribe in an API not dissimilar from how computed looks:

function effect(fn, signals) {	for (let signal of signals) {		signal.subscribe(() => {			fn();		});	}}
const num1 = signal(1);const num2 = signal(2);const output = computed(() => num1.get() + b.get(), [num1, num2]);effect(() => {	console.log(output.get());}, [output]);num1.set(2); // "4" is logged to the consolenum2.set(3); // "5" is logged to the console

This completes our base signals API trio:

  • Signals can be subscribed to, has state, and can be written to.
  • Computed values can be subscribed to and has state.
  • Effects can be subscribed to.

Signals, computeds, and effects can all be subscribed to, signals and computed have state, and signals can be written to.

With effect we can get rid of subscribe-ing manually in our previous addition sample all-together:

const num1 = document.getElementById("num1");const num2 = document.getElementById("num2");const output = document.getElementById("output");const num1Signal = signal(0);const num2Signal = signal(0);const outputSignal = computed(	() => num1Signal.get() + num2Signal.get(),	[num1Signal, num2Signal],);num1.addEventListener("input", (e) => {	num1Signal.set(e.target.valueAsNumber);});num2.addEventListener("input", (e) => {	num2Signal.set(e.target.valueAsNumber);});effect(() => {	output.innerText = outputSignal.get();}, [outputSignal]);

Effects in Computed

Now that we've removed manual subscribe-ing from our usage of signals, let's remove it from our internal computed example as well:

function computed(fn, signals) {	const valueSignal = signal(fn());	effect(() => {		valueSignal.set(fn());	}, signals);	return {		get: valueSignal.get,		subscribe: valueSignal.subscribe,	};}

Now the only place we use .subscribe is inside of effect.

This is not often how computed is implemented, but simplies code for our usecase going forward.


Our current signals API looks something like this:

signal(init);computed(fn, deps);effect(fn, deps);

This works, but having deps be an explicit array brings a set of challenges and downsides:

  • It's more verbose
  • computed and effect s need a dependency array but signal does not
  • It's easy to accidentally forget a signal in the deps array

What if we could eliminate the need for the array while still tracking the internal signals used inside of computed and effect?

This idea of invisibly tracking dependencies is called "Auto-tracking" and can be implemented by replacing our subscribe internal methods with usage of a Listener singleton.

var Listener = null;function signal(initialValue) {	let value = initialValue;	const subscribers = new Set();	return {		get: () => {			if (Listener) {				subscribers.add(Listener);			}			return value;		},		set: (newValue) => {			value = newValue;			subscribers.forEach((fn) => fn());		},	};}function computed(fn) {	const valueSignal = signal(fn());	effect(() => {		valueSignal.set(fn());	});	return {		get: valueSignal.get,	};}function effect(fn) {	Listener = fn;	fn();	Listener = null;}

This works because effect updates the Listener and then the signals inside of effect are reading the initial value:

effect(() => {	// Inside of `signal.get` there's a check for `Listener`	// which is now this function. It's then added as a subscriber	// to `signal` which, on write, will retrigger this.	//	// It doesn't get added twice because the `Listener` is only set on the	// first call of `fn`	signal.get();});

This behavior is then propagated into computed since it uses effect internally.

Now let's see our previous code sample with the new API:

const num1 = document.getElementById("num1");const num2 = document.getElementById("num2");const output = document.getElementById("output");const num1Signal = signal(0);const num2Signal = signal(0);const outputSignal = computed(() => num1Signal.get() + num2Signal.get());num1.addEventListener("input", (e) => {	num1Signal.set(e.target.valueAsNumber);});num2.addEventListener("input", (e) => {	num2Signal.set(e.target.valueAsNumber);});effect(() => {	output.innerText = outputSignal.get();});

Cleaner, right?


Friends, I have something to admit; we have a fatal flaw in our signals implementation we've been building to this point.

Namely, it's possible to create a value that's incorrect for a temporary period of time before it's corrected.

This occurs because of how we've built out our subscriptions in a naive way, allowing one subscriber to receive a value earlier than the other dependencies are finished resolving the values.

Take the following code:

const count = signal(0);const evenOdd = computed(() => (count.get() % 2 ? "Odd" : "Even"));effect(() => {	console.log(`${count.get()} is ${evenOdd.get()}`);});

Given the following: A signal of 'count' and a computed of 'evenOdd' based off of count. Then, an effect based off of both with the message of '{count} is {evenOdd}'

While this code is valid, our implementation lets it down. It will in fact emit 0 is even at first, but once you update count you'll get 1 is even, which is clearly incorrect.

TODO: The problem, however... Is that the signal updating to '1' is update the effect and the computed at the same time. Meaning that the effect will get '1' and 'Even', showing the incorrect temporary state of '1 is Even'

Now, this value eventually reconciles back to 1 is odd after emitting the incorrect value, but this could lead to a number of problems if left as-is:

  • Incorrect logging behavior
  • Jumpy UIs
  • Wrong data sent to the server

And more.

This rapid shift from an incorrect value to a correct value is called a "glitch".

How do we make our signals "glitch-free"?

Well, we can do this by having the last effect wait for all the depended upon values to resolve before running.

The solution is an example of 'glitch-free' signals. The effect waits for all dependencies to resolve the value before calculating '1 is Odd'

Let's see how this glitch fixing looks like in code:

var Listener = null;// Track what signals are accessed in the Listenervar accessedSignals = new Set();// Track what current signal is being written tovar writingSignal = null;function signal(initialValue) {	let value = initialValue;	const subscribers = new Set();	const obj = {		get: () => {			if (Listener) {				subscribers.add(Listener);				accessedSignals.add(obj);			}			return value;		},		set: (newValue) => {			// A computed value should not update `writingSignal`, as its state is purely internal and should be marked as "read-only"			const isInsideAComputed = !!obj.__trackedSignals;			value = newValue;			if (!isInsideAComputed) {				writingSignal = obj;			}			subscribers.forEach((fn) => fn(obj));			if (!isInsideAComputed) {				writingSignal = null;			}		},	};	return obj;}function computed(fn) {	const valueSignal = signal(fn());	const { __trackedSignals } = effect(() => {		valueSignal.set(fn());	});	// Assign the tracked signals to the value signal so it can be used in the `Listener` of the effect,	// and avoid updating the `writingSignal` when the value signal is updated	Object.assign(valueSignal, {		__trackedSignals,	});	return {		get: valueSignal.get,		__trackedSignals,	};}function effect(fn) {	let trackedSignals = new Set();	let seen = new Set();	let relatedSignals = null;	// Setup the listener that will be called when a signal is accessed	Listener = (signal) => {		// We have "seen" this signal		seen.add(signal);		// Check to see if we need to "see" any related signals before running the function		// and cache the results until the next run		if (!relatedSignals) {			relatedSignals = new Set();			trackedSignals.forEach((signalLike) => {				if (signalLike.__trackedSignals?.has(writingSignal)) {					relatedSignals.add(signal);				} else if (signalLike === writingSignal) {					relatedSignals.add(signalLike);				}			});		}		// Have we seen all the signals we need to? If so, run the function and cleanup		if (seen.size === relatedSignals?.size) {			fn();			seen = new Set();			relatedSignals = null;		}	};	// Trigger the effect for the first time. This also starts auto-tracking and stores vars in `accessedSignals`	fn();	// Keep a copy of the accessed signals for reference in the `Listener` later	trackedSignals = new Set(accessedSignals);	// Cleanup	Listener = null;	accessedSignals = new Set();	// Return the tracked signals for the effect so it can be used in the `Listener` later	return {		__trackedSignals: trackedSignals,	};}

Here, we're keeping track of what signal is currently writing state. We're then checking what variables are relative to the Listener when we run fn inside of our effect.

Finally, we cross-reference how many variables depend on the written signal and wait for that number of subscription calls are ran and only execute the effect when we've seen the right number of updates.

const count = signal(0);const evenOdd = computed(() => (count.get() % 2 ? "Odd" : "Even"));// Notice how this effect only runs once, even though it depends// on both `count` and `evenOdd`effect(() => {	alert(`${count.get()} is ${evenOdd.get()}`);});count.set(2);count.set(123);

Where do Signals fit in?

Before we wrap up, let's talk about where signals fit into the broader scope of the JavaScript ecosystem.

If we take a venn diagram of whether a primitive:

  1. Has state
  2. Can be written to
  3. Can be subscribed to

It might look something like this:

'const var' has state. 'let var' has state and can write. 'effect' can write. 'subject' can write and can subscribe. 'computed' has state and can subscribe. 'observable's can subscribe. Signals can do all.

You may not be familiar with what an observable or Subject are. These terms come from RxJS, which is a library that provides an event system in your codebase.

However, we can see examples of observables in EventTarget when you run addEventListener to a <button>.

The event target itself doesn't have permanent state but will pass a value to a subscriber when an in-transit value comes through. However, you're unable to write values to that event stream.

Compare and contrast to, say, a Subject that extends an observable with the capabilities of being able to emit your own events. A good example of this might be emitting your own CustomEvent on the document object.

Here, we can see that signals are a powerful primitive that takes ownership over multiple areas of the reactivity story.

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