Vue "as" Prop using TypeScript

February 18, 2025

503 words

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Let's assume that we have a component system in our company's codebase. In this component system, there's a OurButton component:

<OurButton (click)="openDialog()">Confirm</OurButton>

This component works great, but after some time of the company using it you get a new ticket:

Is there any way to have the OurButton component render an <a> tag instead of a <button>?

While you could break out the styling and behavior of <OurButton> to a new component - say <OurLinkButton> - you remember that React has a way to change the rendered HTML element to another one using an as property.

I wonder if there's a way to do this in Vue as well?

Luckily for us, there is!

Dynamic Component Casting

JSX allows us to cast an element to a dynamic value doing the following:

const Tag = || "button";<Tag/>

Vue supports JSX as well, but it's not the standard way of writing Vue components. Is there a way to do this in an SFC component?

SFCs also support this functionality, but using a different API:

<script setup>const props = defineProps(['as']);    const Component = || "button";</script><template>	<component :is="Component"></component></template>

This will render the tag passed to under the as property, or default to the button element otherwise.

Passing Props

In JSX, we can pass properties through to a child by using an API like such:

const props = {href: ""};<a {...props}/>

In SFCs, however, the same effect is achieved using a different syntax:

<script setup>const props = {href: ""};</script><template>	<a v-bind="props"></a></template>

TypeScript Support

This is great, but how do I get TypeScript support for the properties of the tag I want passed in?

For example, if I pass as="button", I don't want to allow href to be passed; but support it when as="a" is passed.

Great question!

Let's start by understanding what built-in types TypeScript's dom API has built-in. While looking into the supported types, we can find ourselves a list of all HTMLElement's tag names and their associated properties and methods:

interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {    "a": HTMLAnchorElement;    "applet": HTMLAppletElement;    "area": HTMLAreaElement;    "audio": HTMLAudioElement;    "base": HTMLBaseElement;    // ...}

We can then use this, in combination with Vue's generic's support to build out this API:

<!-- OurButton.vue --><script setup lang="ts" generic="T extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap = 'button'">const props = defineProps<	Partial<HTMLElementTagNameMap[T]> & {		as?: T;	}>();const Component = || "button";</script><template>	<component :is="Component" v-bind="props">		<slot />	</component></template>

Vue's language service today has a bug that prevents this from working as-expected today. You can work around this for now by removing the Partial<HTMLElementTagNameMap[T]> from the props type.

Once this is done, we can use the OurButton component like so:

<!-- Usage --><OurButton as="a" href="">    This looks like a button, but is a link</OurButton>

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