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Recently I stumbled upon a question by @arne_mertz of Simplify C++ fame (if you don't read that blog, start now!) about using string literals as types. In 2013 I wrote about strings as types, and the technique used works, but it's not exactly elegant.
The problem is to get from "string literal"
, to something like
template <char... c>class String{ ...};String<'s', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g', ' ', 'l', 'i', 't', 'e', 'r', 'a', 'l'>
This, it turns out, is not very easy.
C±±11 gave us constexpr
functions, and C++14 added some helpful
utilities like integer_sequence<>
, and from there you may
think code like the below would do the trick.
template <char... c>class String{ ...};template <std::size_t N, std::size_t ... I>constexpr auto make_string_type(char const (&array)[N], std::index_sequence<I...>){ return String<array[I]...>{};}#define STRING_TYPE(x) make_string_TYPE(x, std::make_index_sequence<sizeof(x)>{})
Unfortunately things aren't that simple. Although make_string()
is constexpr
, the parameter array
loses its constexpr
property in the function, so operator[]
does not give a constexpr
result, and thus String<array[I]...>
is ill formed
and gives a compilation error.
A possible way to get around that, is to let the macro create and call a lambda, and have the lambda contain the string literal.
#define STRING_TYPE(x) [](){ /*something*/ x /*something*/}()
Looking into the crystal ball, we see C++17 offering constexpr
lambdas, and
that gives an opening.
#define STRING_TYPE(x) \ string_builder([](std::size_t i) constexpr { return x[i]; }, \ std::make_index_sequence<sizeof(x)>{})
The idea is that string_builder()
calls the lambda for each index in
the std::index_sequence<>
from 0 to the length of the
string literal. The constexpr
lambda returns the character in position i
of the string literal.
A possible implementation of string_builder()
template <typename F, std::size_t ... I>constexpr auto string_builder(F f, std::index_sequence<I...>){ return String<f(I)...>{};}
This almost seems like magic, but it's not that weird. f
is the constexpr
lambda that returns a char
for a position in
the string literal. I...
are all indexes from 0 to sizeof the string literal. Since f
is constexpr
, String<f(I)...>
well formed.
So, what's the cost of doing this? Well, the cost is build time. Runtime has no overhead compared to a fixed string global somewhere.
Look at this example:
template <char ... c>struct String{ static char const buffer[sizeof...(c)];};template <char ... c>char const String<c...>::buffer[sizeof...(c)] = { c... };void func(char const*);int main(){ auto n = STRING_TYPE("nonsense"); func(n.buffer);}
Using clang++ (svn trunk on 2016-08-25) the output from clang++ -std=c++1z str.cpp -O1 -S
.text .file "str.cpp" .globl main .p2align 4, 0x90 .type main,@functionmain: #@main .cfi_startproc# BB#0: pushq %rax.Ltmp0: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 movl String<(char)110, (char)111, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)0>::buffer, %edi callq func(char const*) xorl %eax, %eax popq %rcx retq.Lfunc_end0: .size main, .Lfunc_end0-main .cfi_endproc .type String<(char)110, (char)111, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)0>::buffer,@object # @String<(char)110, (char)111, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)0>::buffer .section .rodata._ZN6StringIJLc110ELc111ELc110ELc115ELc101ELc110ELc115ELc101ELc0EEE6bufferE,"aG",@progbits,String<(char)110, (char)111, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)0>::buffer,comdat .weak String<(char)110, (char)111, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)0>::bufferString<(char)110, (char)111, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)0>::buffer: .asciz "nonsense" .size String<(char)110, (char)111, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)110, (char)115, (char)101, (char)0>::buffer, 9 .ident "clang version .0.0 (trunk 279733)" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits
The above is perhaps not obvious, but at line 12, the address to the beginning of String<>::buffer
is stored in register
, in preparation for the function call on line 13.
Line 25 shows that the buffer is the string "nonsense"
So, there is no run time overhead what so ever. However, each unique string used is its own symbol, which may increase link time, and the compile time computation required to get the string from the string, is of course not for free.