React Beyond the Render

React's capabilities are plentiful; there's a reason it's at the top of framework usage. But what can it REALLY do? Let's explore its potential; frontend and backend alike.

When React started its journey, it was only able to run on the user's machine. Today, it has immense capabilities on both the frontend and backend.

From static site generation to mobile apps to server actions, React can handle an application's needs from start-to-finish.

Let's explore how React is able to do all of that; from the very beginning until its abilities today.

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    Corbin is a staff software engineer with a passion for helping others. 💜 They're focused on ensuring that learning is open and fun. 🦄 They blog, livestream, code, and more to reach those goals to help others! 💅

Chapter listing

  1. When researching frontend frameworks, you're likely to hear about "reactivity". But what is it? Why does it matter? Let's explore this and more in this article.

  2. How does React handle update the DOM? The answer? "The Virtual DOM and reconciliation." Let's explore what these are and how you can leverage them the best.

  3. An explanation of what server-side rendering is, what static site generation is, and how you can utilize them in React, Angular, or Vue!

  4. React Server Components have been a topic of regular discussion in the WebDev space as-of late. What are they? How do they improve the SSR story for React? Let's take a look.

  5. Handling async code in React code has historically been fairly challenging to get right. Let's see how React's official solutions for promises stack up!

  6. While React Suspense APIs enable you to load data asynchronously from the server, Server Actions allow you to send data to the server from the client.

  7. React Server Actions are an awesome way to pass data to and from your React client and server. Like all functions, they need a way to return data.